• Application: 0411_MANUFACTUR4_0_1_E
  • Acronym: MANUFACTUR4.0
  • Title: Development and implementation of smart and innovative technologies in the naval and metalworking sectors
  • Cooperation area: 1. Galicia – North of Portugal
  • Axis: 1. Smart growth through cross-border cooperation to promote Innovation
  • Duration: July 2017 – december 2020
  • Total costs: 2.030.649,36€
  • ERDF contribution: 1.522.987,02€(75% co-financing)
  • The MANUFACTUR4_01_E project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020

Administrations from both countries, professional associations and knowledge centres will work to intensify relations between research centres and companies in the sectors involved, and will seek to generate an incentive effect for the implementation of 4.0 Technologies in a strategic area for the Euro- Galicia-North of Portugal region.

Objective of the project

Effectively transfer to the industry of the Naval-Metalworking sector new advanced and low-cost manufacturing technologies, as real and measurable examples of the improvements that R + D + i can bring. This will translate into the following benefits:

  • Intensification of relations between research centres and companies.
  • Incentive effect of the implementation of 4.0 technologies in a strategic sector for the Euro-region Galicia-North of Portugal.

This way, the benefits that the adoption of this new approach of Factory 4.0 can bring to the change, growth and modernization of the cross-border sector will be fostered, clearly contributing to the specific objective in which the project is framed.


The 4.0 technification of the naval-metalworking sector of the Euro-region will be achieved, based on SMEs, achieving the development and transfer to this industry of new advanced and low-cost manufacturing technologies, and, with it, a notable increase in the ratio patents applied for in this field.

This will make it possible, in the medium-long term, to have a joint collaboration structure in the field of advanced manufacturing for the sector in the Euro-region, and an industrial fabric with high technical capacity, both in development and in implementation and exploitation of manufacturing technologies.