Robotization and digitization of stop-motion filming

Robotization and digitization of stop-motion filming

Development of an automatic camera filming positioning system

The company IBCinema is a film producer and it is dedicated to the filming of videos and movies. To develop their stop-motion filming techniques (small stages with frame-by-frame recording) they consulted with CIS Technology and Design with the intention of creating a mechanical system that would help them to precisely position the filming camera, with movement between frames.

They were proposed to use a conventional element in the industry, a robot, complemented with training in rendering applications from which they would derive precise camera positioning for each frame (robot position) and even digital backgrounds to combine with the real image.

The project included training in rendering applications, development of a converter application between virtual and real robot trajectories, together with a simulation tool of its robotic filming cell, which allows to verify a safe and viable performance.

IBCINEMA software
IBCINEMA visionado