The second vice-president and councillor for Economy, Business and Innovation, Francisco Conde, announced today that next Friday, July 2, the Xunta will announce the new line of DeseñaPeme aid, so that Galician SMEs and micro-enterprises incorporate design as a tool for innovation and sustainability. According to him, the forecast is to be able to give support to up to 50 projects.

Conde, who today participated in the 4th Meeting of Design for Business Innovation, at the CIS Technology and Design in Ferrol, explained that it is a specific line of support framed in the new Design Program for Innovation and Sustainability 2024-Difference. A program that seeks to consolidate the culture of innovation and design in the business fabric of Galicia to respond to current challenges, in line with what Europe sets. The objective, he added, is to create a Galician ecosystem of design and innovation oriented to the economic development of Galicia.

This initiative gives continuity to the work that has been developed since 2018 to incorporate design into the business world and value the figure of the designer by promoting the implementation of the map of design service providers; an online platform with images about the history of design in the Community; sectorial pilot projects, as well as meetings and publications on the subject, among other measures.