The Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) supports actions to promote scientific-technological vocations among young people through activities in the Galicia-Tecnópole Technology Park, in the Galician Computing Centre (CESGA) and also with collaboration with different entities such as the Eduardo Pondal Foundation.

GAIN expands its scope of action with new activities at the Centre for Innovation and Services for Technology and Design with the D’tec program and within the framework of the Civil UAV’s Initiative with the program known as Volando Alto, sumando vocaciones.


CIS Technology and Design considers among its objectives to promote the interest and vocation of young people for science and technology in their fields of knowledge (Design, Virtual Reality Technologies, Augmented Reality and 3D, Industry 4.0, etc.) and to that end, it promotes the D´tec program.

D’tec is aimed at primary, secondary, high school and training cycle students and the entire educational community of Galicia (youth, teachers and families).

Activities program

Within the framework of this initiative, different actions are organized to value the importance of innovation, science and technology as one of the keys to the development of Galicia.

Among the planned activities you can find events, workshops and projects for the classrooms.

All activities are free.

Next activities

CIS Technology and Design organizes two new activities to carry out in the classrooms of educational centres:

School project “Creation of AR and VR Worlds”. This project is aimed at students in the last years of Primary Education (5th-6th)

School project “Redesigning the world”. This project is aimed at students of Compulsory Secondary Education. (1st-4th).

The registration period will be open until February 24, 2021.

More information:

Performed activities

From October to December 2019, workshops and different events were organized in which more than 1,100 students from 18 educational centres participated.

D’tec Workshop “Designing the Future”  (October 8, 2019)

D’tec Workshop “Virtual Worlds” (October 22, 2019)

D’tec Workshop “Augmenting Reality” (November 12 and 17, 2019)

D’tec Workshop UDScience (November 4 and 8, 2019)

D’tec show “The Future is Now” (October 11 and 18  / November 15 / December 13, 2019)


For more information on these activities you can consult the D’tec document (pdf).

The situation caused by COVID-19 did not allow the carrying out of several activities planned for 2020.